
Bulletin - January 31, 2021

Hymn of the Day

(tune: Jesus Shall Reign, p.142)


Come, all ye chosen saints of God,

Whose souls are washed in Jesus' blood;

Hear what He says, His word is true,

My grace sufficient is for you.


I am your sure Almighty Friend,

Who loving, loves you to the end;

I will be near you and will show,

My grace sufficient is for you.


I know how numerous are your foes,

I know the ways which they oppose;

I know their cunning malice too.

My grace sufficient is for you.


Though Satan strives you souls t' ensnare,

You're still the objects of my care;

You're near my heart I'll bring you through,

My grace sufficient is for you.


Do you want proof of this my love?

Calv'ry survey-then heaven above;

See how the ransomed millions bow;

My grace sufficient is for you.


I'll guide you safely in the way,

Through life's dark night, to heaven's bright way;

And there with wonder you shall view,

My grace sufficient is for you!




Today's Hymns

I am His and He is Mine #56

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing #17

How Firm a Foundation #268


Special Dates: Ollia Hoogendoorn - 5

Gail Jensen – 6 ~ Gerald Grimsley - 8




For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell.

-Colossians 1:19


The salvation of a sinner is the most complex, astounding thing known to man.  Yet God has made the salvation of a sinner so simple because the Father put it all in one place – in Christ.  All of the fullness of righteousness is found in Christ.  All of the fullness of forgiveness is found in Christ.  All of the fullness of wisdom is found in Christ.  All of the fullness of sanctification is found in Christ.  All of the fullness of salvation is found in Christ.  Every blessing God has for a sinner is fully found in Christ.


Salvation is so complex only God could accomplish it.  Yet God has made salvation simple by putting all of it in one place.  If you would be saved, look to one person, the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you have any spiritual need, all you have to do is look to one person, the Lord Jesus Christ, because it is all in Him.  The Father has been pleased to put it all in Christ, and I must say that I am very pleased that everything I need is found in Christ too. -Frank Tate




Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Helen Vlastuin, whose father passed away this week. Visitation is Thursday from 2 PM-7 PM at Porter's Funeral Home, and the funeral is at 10:30 AM at the Doon Protestant Reformed Church.


Glenda Riebeling will be at the Mayo Clinic this week to undergo tests to determine what is causing her health problems. Pray that God will enable the doctors to find the correct diagnosis and treatment.




Wherefore, tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not;
but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them that believe.
-1 Corinthians 14:22


The power of the apostles and other early preachers to speak supernaturally in other languages is NOT a sign for believers (who need no miracle, either to gain their attention, or to confirm their faith); but these gifts and miracles bore witness before unbelievers that these men were sent from God and preached a message from heaven (Hebrews 2:3-4; John. 3:2).


Inspired preaching and teaching, which interprets the divine will and purpose of God in Christ, serves to edify believers, not unbelievers, who must first be regenerated and given ears to hear. -Henry Mahan




My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.
-Isaiah 46:10


Our God will not be disappointed or defeated in anything that he has willed or decreed. He will do all his pleasure. His counsel shall stand. The Lord Jesus Christ will not lose one of that multitude for whom he died. He shall be satisfied. The Holy Spirit will not fail to save one of those whom he calls. His gifts and callings are without repentance. The sheep must willingly come to the Shepherd; but all the sheep must come! He has ordained it. "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power" (Psalm 110:3). -Don Fortner




"°our beloved brother Paul." 2 Peter 3.15


Men love titles of honor. It does not surprise me that people of the world seek them, but it surprises me that any man who is called by God to preach the gospel of His grace would ever demand that he be addressed by some honorific title.


But there is one title among the people of God that I do love. It is full of all that is wonderful about being a one of God's people: Brother. I love the title of Brother for even though it is a title of great privilege, it is not a title of honor. It does not elevate any believer above another.


I love the title of Brother for it does not divide but unites. In our day of political correctness there are those who bristle at the title for it seems to exclude women. But even in the first century, "brother" included all within a certain group regardless of gender. "The Brotherhood" included all whether male or female. We are brothers, not because we are men, but because we share an affectionate connection through our one faith, one Lord, and one Father. (Ephesians 4.4-6)


I love the title of Brother for it implies a bond of love rather than a bond of authority. It endears us to one another and draws us together even when circumstances and fleshly weaknesses and faults may tend to drive us apart. It unites us, not because we must be united, but because familial affections make us want to be united.


I love the title of Brother for it connects me to the one Brother among us who actually deserves to be held in higher esteem than the rest of us, even Jesus Christ, who is God's firstborn and our elder Brother – our big brother who loves us and watches out for us. It is written in Hebrews that Christ is not ashamed to call us brothers. Why, then, would we desire any other title?


I love the title Brother for it reminds me that I have a Father who loves me with the perfection of a father's love and whose power and wisdom work to make all things good for me.


We do not need to address one another as "Brother," but let us perceive one another under that title and rejoice that we are privileged to bear that title. –Brother Joe