
Bulletin - June 12, 2022

Hymn of the Day


(tune: "Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?"p.236)


The blood of Christ, Thy spotless Lamb,

O God, is all my plea;

I have no merit of my own,

Which I can bring to Thee.


No sacrifice save His who bore,

My sins upon the tree;

No other plea which lips could speak,

Could intercede for me.


O wondrous cross! O precious blood!

O death by which I live!

The sinless One, for me made sin,

Eternal life to give!


By that blest cross, that cleansing blood,

I know His pow'r to save;

I stand in Him completely blessed,

A conqueror o'er the grave




Today’s Hymns

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ – 495

How Firm a Foundation – 268

Blessed Assurance - 253




Special Dates

Tricia Drenth – 14 ~Madilyn Rose Vlastuin – 16 ~ Fred & Anne – 20

Barney and Tricia – 20 ~ Cornell and Shaina - 21

Nevaeh Sandbulte – 22 ~ Jason & Diane – 22




The atonement does not change the nature and character of God, but rather, the atonement honors and magnifies the character of God. The death of Christ is not the cause of God’s love, but the result of it. God is not merciful because Christ died. Christ died because God is merciful. In order that every attribute might be expressed, glorified, and honored, God gave His Son to be the Savior of His chosen people!


Thank God! there is an atonement BEFORE THE LORD!      -Henry Mahan




No amount of self-produced righteousness can unite an unbeliever to Christ, and no lack of self-produced righteousness can separate the believer from Christ. -Joe




Why is it that, today, the masses are so utterly unconcerned about spiritual and eternal things, and that they are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God? Why is it that, even on the battlefields, multitudes were so indifferent to their soul's welfare? Why is it that defiance of heaven is becoming more open, more blatant, more daring? The answer is, Because "There is no fear of God before their eyes" (Romans 3:18).  -Arthur W. Pink




I remember my father saying to us children at home, when we did not like our food, that he had been to the Union House, and the boys and girls always liked their breakfast there because they were hungry, and, said he, "If you had to go without, it would do you good." Sometimes, children of God get worldly, and then they have no appetite for God's Word. They say, "We do not profit under Mr. So-and-so." The truth is, we do not profit under the Bible itself, and should not profit under the apostle Paul or under the Lord Jesus Christ, for we have spoiled our appetites. But when our appetite is healthy, we can come to the Scripture, and not care much how it is carved. We would rather the preacher would carve it well; but some people must have it served up always in such dainty style, — it must have little bits of poetry, like parsley to garnish the dish, and so on, and if a rough hand should bring them meat, they say, "No, we cannot feed in this style." But if you have been in the field at work for God, and have got an appetite, and the blood is circulating in your veins, then you can feast upon it till your soul rises up, and says, "I thank thee, Lord, for this my food, and that thou hast made it sweet unto my taste, I will tell to my fellow-Christians the delights that I have received in searching thy Word, that they may come and feed at the same table whereat I have been so daintily fed." May God the Holy Ghost make this the experience of every day to each one of us, for Jesus' sake!  -C.H Spurgeon




Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.  ~Ephesians 1:5


I know a little about the subject of adoption. I was adopted into the family of Leo and Maggie Eddmenson in 1956. They decided to adopt me before I was ever born.  Before I ever took my first breath, they chose me to be their own. I had no voice in the matter. I had no decision to render. I couldn't speak, I couldn't communicate. I had no ability to rationalize or think for myself. I was totally oblivious to everything that was going on. I had no will whatsoever in what they purposed. They picked out my first name and gave me their last name. They made a commitment for the rest of their lives, to the best of their ability, to see that only good things happened to me. When they left this world, they left me everything that they had. From my personal experience I can say that adoption was and is a wonderful thing.


This is the story of all God’s elect children. “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Galatians 4:4-5) “Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” (Galatians 4:7)   -David Eddmenson




The sooner we quit seeking our own glory, the sooner we shall see Christ’s glory.  The sooner we quit looking at our righteousness, the sooner we shall see Christ’s righteousness.  The sooner we cease from our labors to earn blessings from God, the sooner we can enter His rest.  -Joe